Nursing home residents are usually elderly sick and/or disabled. They are amongst society’s most vulnerable victims. These residents are frequently totally dependent on the staff and administration of the nursing home in which they live for their daily needs. They depend on the staff doctors, nurses and aids for their medications, nutrition, hygiene, mobility and safety. And while nursing home patients deserve the best care, they often get much less, and sometimes are subjected to outright abuse.

In what is becoming a nationwide epidemic, many nursing homes, desparate to cut costs and earn greater profits, are cutting back on staff, or hiring less qualified personnel at lower wages. The result is fewer, less trained, and often overstressed staff, and significanly greater injuries to nursing home residents.

Some of the more common forms of abuse and neglect are pressure ulcers(bed sores), falls, malnourishment, medical malpractice and outright phyical, mental and even sexual abuse.

Bohrer & Lukeman is experiened in fighting for the rights of victims of nursing home abuse and neglect. We have made significant recoveries for the disabled, sick and elderly who were the victims of nursing home neglect. We are familiar with the laws of both New York and New Jersey that govern the rights of nursing home victims and set the standards of care for the home owners, operators and staffs.

We regularly retain and work with leading experts who are nurse practioners, former nursing home administrators and medical professionals and safety experts and spare no necessary expense in the litigation or nursing home abuse cases.

If you feel that you or a loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, call or email us for a free consultation today.

For additional information or to learn more about nursing home abuse and neglect, see

“National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)”